SAHAR was established in 1980 and have been working on a diverse array of projects. Each with its own unique requirement. Such experience counts in Builidng complex technology
Only the best Engineers are selected to work with SAHAR. Skilled people are critical in any project and can be the difference between success and failure
Compromising on Service and Quality will be costly in long run. SAHAR avoids such shortcuts and provides clients with the best!
Built for Area with little or no power. Solar power is stored in batteries and later used for cooling or freezing. This Technology was Pioneered by SAHAR
Required inside a food processing plant. Strict safety protocols had to be followed while production was going on. Very high hygiene standards
Specially designed water chiller for High ambient. Was built to withstand 55 Celcius in the harshest environments. Efficiency and Reliability was the top priority.
Client wanted full remote acess and control of their factory. Alarm systems would immediately alert everyone via SMS and calls.
Specially Designed Blast freezer for food products. High Efficiency and Reliability. -40C of continuous operation.
Client required a robust and secure IT system with Cloud access and VPN. Custom company software required for employee management.
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